Monday, March 17, 2014

Goodbye Prolima, Hello Trebol!

Hermana Morales wanted to come with me in my
suitcase. She actually fits ha ha!

Oops, I totally forgot that it was St. Patrick's Day, and I'm not wearing any green! I better not mention it to anyone! No one here in Peru celebrates it, so that is good. Not a lot of Irish Peruvians, I guess.

Cambios -- Hermana Morales with her new gringa!
Cambios (transfers) were super crazy, ha ha! Hermana Morales was super nervous, and I kept teasing her that she would have to train. Well, surprise to us both when she was called to train a new gringa! I'm already a grandma in the mission, ha ha! I am super excited for her! She will continue to do great in Prolima 2! Which means I was transferred to a new area. Hermana Mirla, our pensionista, was super sad that I was leaving, and I will miss her and her family a lot! I also had to run around and say goodbye to a lot of people I had worked with in Prolima 2. It was sad.

However, my new area, Trebol 2, is super awesome! I am more in the city, and so there are lots of tall buildings and really nice houses, and it is super beautiful. The best part is that the ward really wants to help us here and the chapel is in our area! I don't have to take a bus to get to church! Yay! In fact, while in church yesterday, I almost felt like I was back in the United States because the people here have a little more money and dress a little nicer and the church building is really beautiful and has air conditioning! AIR CONDITIONING! While the area is considerably smaller compared to my last area, it has lots of potential. 

Hermana Jaramillo and me
So my new companion is Hermana Jaramillo. She came in with the same group as Hermana Morales, so she has been out on her mission for three months. She is from Monterrey, Mexico, and has a little bit of an accent when she talks. With two companions from Mexico, I've learned lots of words from them both, and I probably sound a little Mexican when I talk, ha ha! Hermana Jaramillo has lots of family on her Dad's side in the US, and she lived there for about 3 years when she was a little girl. So, she knows a little bit of English, but for the most part has forgotten it. I am helping her to learn more English.

Herman Jaramillo is really great! She has lots of confidence and a strong personality. She can really talk to people and the ward loves her a lot. She really likes to work hard and loves talking with people. I am super excited to work with her and learn all I can from her. So far, we are working great together, and our lessons are super powerful. I have a feeling we'll do some great things here in Trebol 2!

Proud to say I made myself some tyrines verdes!
They were OK... I need to try again!
Also great about this area is that we don't have a pensionista to cook for us, so that means I don't have to eat rice for every meal! Yay! I can already feel that I have lost a little weight. I eat until I am satisfied and it is a lot healthier! Yay! My companion has also been helping me to exercise, so now we are waking up a little earlier so that we can go running in a nearby park. It feels good to get out and run again.

Speaking of running, we did a lot of it this week as we were running around trying to get to know the area and the members. It's hard to have to be back to square one, but on the other hand, I am happy to be in a new area. We were doing pretty good the first few days until Saturday night, when poor Hermana Jaramillo got super sick. We're pretty sure that she ate something that didn't agree with her, because that night we had eaten dinner in a restaurant. She spent all day in bed, but she was able to go to Sacrament Meeting to take the sacrament (we live about 1 minute away from the church). It was a little stressful because we had to do divisions so that I could go the Ward Council, church, and to our appointments, but the ward was really great and helped us. Hermana Jaramillo is doing better today, and I am super glad.

Anyways, I am super excited to be here! This week we met with a couple of investigators that have been listening to missionaries for a while, and we had really powerful lessons about the Gospel and the importance of baptism. Now, we have two baptismal dates, one on this coming Saturday and one for the 5th of April. Please pray for F. that he will be excited for his baptism!

Saying goodbye to the Familia Aylas. They
are super nice, and I was helping one of their
daughters learn piano. They also have the ugliest
dogs I have ever seen in my life, and they
scare me to death.
Saying goodbye to K and her family
Saying goodbye to a family I was working with in Prolima.
The other ugly dog.
Hey, thanks so much for your words of encouragement and for your prayers. I am really grateful for this chance that I have to be here in Peru serving the Lord. I am also so grateful for my awesome parents, because they have worked so hard and sacrificed so much for our family. I love you all back home and hope that you have a great week.

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